(click to enlarge)
On the left is my Mom, then myself and of course Punky Butt. She said that the recent pic I posted of Kaitlyn reminded her of that middle pic of me when I was little. I think I see a slight resemblence...maybe? What do y'all think?
To back it up a little bit, when Kaitlyn was born EVERYONE thought she looked like me. She had my jet black hair, my dark eyes, my face shape, my lips, my ears...my everything. But as time passed, she magically lost all my features and sprouted curly blonde hair and green eyes.
Now looking at this, I think she definately retained the nose. Of all things she got my nose.
Poor thing.
Thank you for sending this Momma, it made my heart smile :)
your little girl looks so much like your little sister it's crazy
I'm terrible at deciding who looks like who...........I do a resemblence though, def the nose and it's a great nose!! I know how you feel though, my boys are mini dh's.........I tell everyone I'm the surrogate, lol!
She does have your nose, and your eyes, too (the shape).
You were adorable!
Oh yes she definitely looks a lot like you! :)
How have you been? I miss talking to you.
She is your daughter...no denying it! She does look like you...you are both adorable!
Oh I think you have a little mini-me on your hands there!
You all definitely look alike :)
Better your nose than mine!! I can't believe how much she is changing...I remember similar messes from her daddy...You don't have to take a nap, just turn your back for a few minutes and WA-LA- A new mess!! I got a huge mess out of everything in the laundry room once- liquid soap, downey, laundry powder, spray & wash, a box of cheer, baby soap - you name it!! It was an ugly gray mess and my little chemist couldnt see an issue!! I also heard about your recent bird visitor - Can't wait to hear your version.
aww i think she still looks like you
she looks so much like you, its amazing!
Really hope all is well with you Terri!!
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