The day has already come and gone, despite my desperate attempts to hault or simply just slow time. Holidays and birthdays are always so depressing around here. To me, these days are not about presents and gorging yourself with cake. It's about being around the ones you love and care for the most. And when the ones you love are miles and miles away, your left with an emptiness. She's too young to understand the meaning of all this, but it sure does tear my heart in two. Here are a few pictures of our small gathering...

Of course our extended family did make it...

And by extended, I mean the Easter Bunny and a parade of Yo Gabba Gabba friends.

Daddy had been teaching her how to blow out a candle...

And she blows it out like a lil' champ.

Of course we had to let her blow the candle out another 6 times before she was satisfied.

I love you. And years from now when we celebrate your 16th, your 21st, your 47th birthday, you will always be my little Punky Butt.

Awww, happy birthday big girl!! AWESOME pics, looks like she really enjoyed herself!
My heart aches for you and not having family around. But, never underestimate their presence even though they weren't their physically.
My kids, when they were younger, always had HUGE family parties that unfortunately do not happen anymore b/c of way too many untimely deaths. I share this with you only b/c I know I only feel the pain/absence. Kids are kids and even when they are older, don't think like we do. They care about the cake and most importantly presents. So, chin up girl, no doubt she had a fantastic birthday, your pics show it!
Don't have the words...these pictures are just a reminder of how much we are missing.
Happy birthday Kaitlyn.
Love Aunt Kayla, Uncle Cory and Cousin Logan.
Lovely pics Terri!
It may have been just the 3 of you but I bet it was amazing none the less.
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!! Such adorable pictures!! Hope you all had a great day!!
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!
She is so sweet, and no doubt had a wonderful Birthday. Too cute, that she wanted to blow out the candle so many times.
I'm so sorry your family couldn't be there to share this day with you all.
The pictures are so great!! You bout made me cry reading it!! That will be us shortly! We are leaving the family and moving to Denver. Our Christmas will be spent by ourselves.
Even though no "family" was at her party, there is no doubt that she enjoyed being with her mommy and daddy! I know you made it special for her. We will do the same for Anna!
-Jenn (Anna'smommy)
Terri, it really must be hard to not be able to share such a beautiful day in your life with those that you love. My heart ached for you reading that because I could not imagine. I am sure that they all feel the same way and desperately longed to be there with all of you. The pics are gorgeous and I am sure Miss Punky will treasure them for many years. She is such a gorgeous baby girl and I can relate all too much about wanting to stop time, just for a moment to breathe them in right now as its becoming all too obvious that they are becoming their own person and not 'mommys baby' anymore :(
I am late in wishing your precious little one a happy birthday, so here it is now "Happy Belated 2nd Birthday" :-) I am sorry your family were not able to be there (((HUGS))). Mia's party on Sunday will not be huge by any means. Just a few close family members and friends. Those are sweet photos you captured!!
Totally understand your bittersweet feeling about b-days and holidays. Samantha just celebrated her 5th birthday and she didn't even get one call from my family because of the time difference. It is hard being far away from family.
Happy birthday Kaitlyn!
2!!! Happy Birthday K.
Glad that the 'extended family' could make it. ;) That's so special.
Terri you always look so perfect. :)
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn! How sweet! I am another who can understand the bittersweet aspect of birthdays due to moving and untimely deaths. She will always have great birthdays because you will be sure to make them special, even if she's missing extended family!
So sweet!! I know how it feels to be away from family for these kind of milestones and I feel the same way. Regardless your baby girl will cherish these birthdays. You can feel the love through your photo's. Happy 2nd birthday!!
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