I am in total shock that my little baby girl will soon be celebrating her 2nd year of life. I have until the 6th to officially refuse and deny it. I plan on doing pics on the actual day of, but these were some fun shots we did with some balloons and flowers while the sun was setting behind us.
The time lapse on these was about 7 minutes. She was by far more interested in throwing rocks and diggin in the dirt with sticks. That's my girl. :)
How adorable!Are you going to make invites out of these? They are so cute. Logan's photo shoot for his 3rd birthday ended in him throwing up mac-and-cheese everywhere! He said, "Mommy, I don't like these hiccups!" Hope yours went better than mine! I can't believe she is going to be 2 already! Time flies....
Oooh, these are gorgeous! The balloon ones are my favorites and I love how the weeds glow in the sunlight. If you think you're in denial now, just wat until she turns 3.. or 4.. or 5... or...
Those are beautiful photos! I am going to do something similar with Mia next weekend :-) She loves ballons, so it should be fun!
How adorable!Are you going to make invites out of these? They are so cute. Logan's photo shoot for his
3rd birthday ended in him throwing up mac-and-cheese everywhere! He said, "Mommy, I don't like these hiccups!" Hope yours went better than mine! I can't believe she is going to be 2 already! Time flies....
*K.J. Binkens
Oooh, these are gorgeous! The balloon ones are my favorites and I love how the weeds glow in the sunlight.
If you think you're in denial now, just wat until she turns 3.. or 4.. or 5... or...
Aww birthdays are always so bittersweet, huh! I love these. The balloon ones are so precious!
B-day are happy and sad at the same time. I love the balloon shots -- lighting is just perfect!
Love the third picture with the ballons! She is precious. Time flies, for sure.
Your new blog header picture is neat too.
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