Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving...a Little Early

Our family and 8 additional Young's decided to engage in a gluttonous Pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving. As IF the cumulative calories of one isn't enough. That's just how we roll.

This poor bird didn't even have a chance.

When 2 nurses live under the same roof, they find any excuse to stick something with a needle. In this case, a very large needle filled with artery clogging goodness.

While everything was cooking the big kids enjoyed some tasty beverages. Well, girly decided she wanted to be a big kid too.

Settle down people, it's only apple juice. She got a kick out of it and went around toasting everyone. I have no idea where she picked this habit up at. They must be boozing it up at daycare.

No wonder they get her to nap.

So we stuffed ourselves. And repeated to do so over the course of 5 or so hours. We of course then followed it up with a semi-conscious movie sprawled out on our humongous couch. It was nice.

I also had the pleasure of doing a photoshoot for the gorgeous Miss E. and her lovely daughter. Here is one of my favs. Look at their hair! So jealous.

If you want to see a boat load more, check out my other site:


Anonymous said...

Here's some blog love for ya :)
MMMM turkey. My crazy hubby decided we should get the biggest turkey we can find so he picked up a 23 pounder. He likes left overs I guess.
The hair picture is super cute too! I'd kill for hair like that!!

Anonymous said...

Yum!! But where's the picture of the cooked bird?? ;-)
I can't wait until Thursday... I love all the yummy THanksgiving food!

Love the hair pic!

Jill Brochard said...

Yummy -- We did early T-day yesterday since it isn't a holiday here. Love the last picture

Terri Young said...

I was so wrapped up in making sure all the food was ready that I didn't think to take anymore pictures! I was totally bummed out that I didn't!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I could do 2 Thanksgivings as well!

Love the hair shot!

Ljsmom33 said...

Your gonna have to let me know what you were injecting. Might have to try that. The little one is just growing up and looking cuter than ever. Great photoshoot too by the way, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Too funny about the syringes!! You got some great pics and I hear ya about the finish product, I forgot to take one too, lol!