Anyone care to join me in a celebratory Woooooooooooooooooooohoo!!!
Not even 4 months ago it would cost us $42.00 to fill up our CHEAP vehicle. I won't even delve into how much we spent on the guzzle-mobile. Yesterday, I got a full tank of gas for just...
drumroll please....
So now groceries should follow suit right? I mean if it's less to ship it, our food should cost less? Okay, now I'm just getting carried away.
How much is gas in your neck of the woods?
whoo hoo!!! Gas here is finally in the $1.60's and I am thrilled!!! Yes, if everything follows suit the world would be good!
Isn't that the best?? I have an suv and it would cost 70 bucks to fill that baby up. Grant it, I only go to the gas station when I'm on fumes, but still. Gas is about the same here too. Love it!
Funny you posted this. When I went in to work this morning, the gas was $1.46/gallon. When I was driving home after dinner, the same stations are now $1.79/gallon. Not sure why it shot up again. Nonetheless, it was nice to fill up my little Volkswagen for $17.00.
Isn't it the best when you can fill up for less than $20? Cheapest I've seen it here is $1.49!! We shop at Kroger and have their Kroger Plus card, and their credit card, and got 15 cents off per gallon when we filled up my car yesterday. We ended up paying $1.38 per gallon!
Michaela~ I've heard so many great things about Kroger's, I wish we had one nearby!
Oooooh ladies and gentlemen we have a celebrity on board...it's Howard!!! Hey welcome to my blog, thanks for stoppin by! :)
LOL...thanks Terri. You're too much!
YES!! This is the break we need. $16 woot to that.
It's $1.46 this morning here in KS. We have Dillons (part of Kroger) and can get .02 off/gallon. But we usually try to go to Sam's and get the .05c off/gallon. It helps alot.
I'm waiting for the grocery prices to drop too. That is killing me weekly.
We are in the 1.50's here and I am loving it! Matt has heard rumors that it may get below a buck. Can you imagine?
$1.29 a gallon here in Kansas City!!!
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