Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas! Our computer is TOTALLY on the fritz. We ran a scan last night and removed over 90 Trojans and 2 worms. Still in the process of getting it functional.
Here's just a quick snap of my girly this morning. It was taken with my new toy, a Canon 580 Speedlite! I have much too learn but considering the fact this room was extremely dark I'm pretty stoked. It was perfect for all our holiday snapshots.

Looking forward to hearing about everyone's Christmas!
Oh no!!!! Good luck with your computer! What kind of anti-virus software do you have? We've been using AVG for the past few years (there's a free version you can download) and I love it! We've never really had any virus problems.
Congrats on your speedlite! Cute pic of your girlie!
I just hate that! We use AVG too. Congrats on the speedlite! cute pic!!
I guess AVG is a pretty popular one then. We have used McAfee ever since I can remember, and we have had issues almost yearly. UGH.
What a great picture of Punky! Enjoy your new toy. Don't tell me you use McAfee because that is what we use.
Aww, what I great picture, looks like you're the flash master already! I got the 430, shhh, I wanted the 580 mostly b/c of the recycle time but dh got me lithium batteries and it recycles instantly so I think I'm gonna keep it, lol!!! Good luck with your computer, that sucks. But I did get a laugh out of your title.
Merry Christmas!
yay for the speedlight. Mine was a lifesaver this year since the girls woke at 4 am. No natural light there. Thank goodness for your post on snaphappy about the flashes to since I thought I knew what I was doing,but learned more from your post. I also use acg, but my computer is not doing so well at the moment either. Someone told me Mcafee sucked before, but I am just going from what I heard. Good luck
adorable pic..and congrats on your new toy!!!
We use the AVG too... hope your computer gets fixed soon!
Well I think the verdict is in, I will check out AVG.
Thanks ladies!
So glad you went ahead and got it. Nice catchlights too.
I use AVG also.
I had the same virus a couple month's back. It was pretty bad. I ended up having to take in to a computer shop to get rid of it...at a cost of $120. I had Anti-virus and spy ware blocker on when I got it. Some of these viruses are pretty sneaky!
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