It's an exciting day here in Austin Texas! Last night around 11 it began SNOWING of all things. Keep in mind we had a record high of 81 no more than a week ago. It may have been a measly centimeter or so, but it was still snow!

My truck even wore the pitiful precipitation proudly.
In the academia world...I AM OFFICIALLY DONE with this semester!!! Now to ponder what I will do with myself the next 5 weeks. One thing is for sure, I will have to hide my bank cards and other monetary units. I've been known to cure boredom with retail therapy.

And in other news, I am the PROUD WINNER of a snazzy set of note cards by the ever so talented Michaela B! I'm a fan of her blog and photography, and have to say this is the first time I have ever won a contest so I am super stoked! Go check out her handy work here:
And check this out, it's the picture announcing my big win :)

I made the front page!
Ahhhhhhh I feel like a celebrity. :)
SNOW??? You got SNOW??? No fair! All we got was a snow/sleet mix and this morning it looked more like frozen rain than anything else :-P I enjoyed scraping the windshield of my car, though. Just wished it was snow instead.
Congrats on finishing your semester! How did you do on that big test?
And congrats (again) on your win. I already e-mailed (that certain person) and let her know that you are sharing. That was really sweet of you and I know it will be appreciated.
This weather is so screwy. We have your weather, 70 degrees today, gotta love this global warning crap, lol!
Congrats on ending the semester, now it's time to really start enjoying the holidays!
Congrats on being done with school! That has to feel so good. Matt finished his classes last night and I know I am happy about that :)
Retail therapy is definitely fun and well deserved.
Congrats on being done and on winning the cards!!!
Got to love some retail therapy!
It snowed here in TN a few weeks ago. It may have been less than an inch but it sure was neat :) Did I even post a picture of Mia in the snow on my blog? I don't think I did. LOL. She was amazed by it!
Congratulations on finishing the semester :) and winning that prize!
Have a great day :)
congrats on your semester being over...I love me some retail therapy!!!!
Too cute!! Congrats!
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