Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can You Spot the Imposter?

I've been doing head-swapping and cloning like nobodies business! Is it terribly obvious who has been erased in?


Anonymous said...

I am so awful at finding these things out. I Can't believe you already know how to do that. WHY doesnt this sink in for me like it does for you? So my guess is Your step daughter?

Anonymous said...

hmm, but now that I think about it I think I remember you looking at Punky in this picture. IF that is the case....YOU DID GOOD!

Stephanie Gallipeau said...

wow if you really cloned someones head, i sure can't tell! have you been mastering psp without me?

Anonymous said...

you did a great job...this is just adorable!! makes me smile!!

Anonymous said...

Nope, can't tell at all!! You did a great job!

Anonymous said...

If I had to guess I would say you cloned yourself in, but it's not apparent AT ALL! I'm just trying to guess who it would be!

Anonymous said...

The only reason I can tell is because I remember it in the original. WTG!!! You are rockin' at this stuff.

Anonymous said...

is it you?? omg i cant tell, awesome


Anonymous said...

Can't tell...great Job... what's the answer???

Terri Young said...

Teehee, It was me. In the original I was looking at Kaitlyn. Good job Kristie you little sleuth :)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, is there anything you can't do??? Geez, I couldn't even begin to head swamp, I'm totally jealous of your mad skills!

Terri Young said...

Not sure what a head "swamp" is Doreen, but I'm pretty sure I can't do it. lol


Anonymous said...

going to pee myself of the head swamp!

You did so good Terri. I never would have known had I not checked out your pics before