On August 7th, my amazing and wonderful Hubby graduated from Nursing school. I couldn't be more proud of him. This man worked 36 hours on Saturday and Sunday alone, and slaved away with school the entire week. He practically ran off of fumes, and still had time to be a fantastic husband and daddy. *tear*
Of course at graduation, I had to play the role of borderline psychotic paparazzi wife. I think this may have been the only time he's ever been okay with me going snap happy.

Here he is throwing out a "hook-em horn".

That picture reminds me of McSteamy. I've been trying to convince him to grow out his hair the way Sloan has it...

Okay, where were we? My point is, two years ago I couldn't even begin to imagine hubby being done with school. It felt like an infinity away. And now here I am, waiting for that same infinity to get my diploma. The day I get to strut across the stage in my spiffy lab coat. In the great scheme of things, I don't want the next two years to fly by. That's two years that I can never get back, ya know what I mean? So I'm hoping I can find some sort of balance with it all, the way hubby managed to do it.
Wish me luck, I have a monster of a test tomorrow!
Congrats hubby on finishing school!! What kind of nursing is going into?? And good luck with your exam---I am positive you will do well!
Congrats to your hubby on finishing school! And GL to you on your test tomorrow. You will find that balance. Your great sense of humor will help you with that!
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