More like, my Hefty Awkward Monster! Geez, this thing is going to help me tone up my arms that's for sure. I feel like I'm insulting her when I attach it to my crusty Rebel. Poor thing needs some TLC from the nice folks at Canon. Something about sea spray and grubby munchkin hands on the sensor. It looks like somebody sneezed in there.
Oh, you lucky girl!!! Totally jealous here. Cool pic, can't wait to see what kind of pics you crank out with this baby!
Are you done yet? I'd like a turn next :)
My hubby just laughs at me when I bring this lens up.
lets see some pics lady!
Oh Becky.
Becky, Becky, Becky.
You crack me up chick. Can I you give me a minute! Dang. Now I feel pressured to create something fantastical. I don't even have anything to take a picture of. Oh my goodness, I can't take this!!!!!
If you think this lens is heavy....stick a 70-200mm 2.8 L IS lens on your XTI.
The 24-70mm is more suited to your portrait photography, and it's a big step up. I can't imagine the great pics we'll see from you. Congrats!!
Congrats on the new lens! Cool pic, too! Might have to steal that idea for one of my "special" self portraits LOL
My 80-400mm is a nice workout lens, too! (Hmm, maybe that's what I should use it for?)
Soooo sooooo soooo lucky -- only in my dreams! I used a 300mm during a photography training program and that sucker was huge and so heavy!
Oh wow, congrts to you!
Well Hello! My what a BIG lens you have there! Let me know how it is!
So jealous, here too!! Can't wait to see what you capture with it.
btw- yep, that's the survey that I tagged you with. ;)
Oh wow. You're gonna love it. Congrats!
congrats on your new baby....it's on my wish list....lucky girl.
I use that lens all the time...you will love it!!
Matt is dreaming of this lens. Or the 70-200 Howard mentioned. Either one would make him the happiest man alive. Can't wait to see what great shots you get!
I want your friend . HA HA
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