Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Once Upon a Time...

There lived a 2 year old girl who loved and adored getting her picture taken. Everytime a camera came out, she would do her best to strike a pose and be center stage. Ahhhhh the pictures her Mom would take with such cooperation.


None of that is goin' on in this here household. I bought girly a Valentine's outfit in hopes of getting a few shots. I haven't even attempted to take a picture of her for almost 3 weeks, thinking this would give her a cooling off period. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Thanks to Daddy, who kept her somewhat entertained for all of 2 minutes and 13 seconds. These were purely for memories, just thought I would share.

I realize now this was her telling me I had one shot to get a decent shot in before the shenanigans began:

For anyone who is curious...these were taken with my speedlite at like...1/4 of a second SS. There was no ambient light and as a result horrible motion blur.

I haven't tried out my new lens yet. I am hoping to do a photoshoot with my niece this weekend and get acquainted with it.

And to Becky...No I haven't tried out CS3 yet. Thanks to you I have nightmares of CS3 armies taunting me with pitchforks and hockey sticks. 14 days until my trial PSP2 program expires...I think that sounds like a good day to learn.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking she was trying to flip you the bird, just got the wrong finger in the air, lol!!

She's adorable!! LOVE the last one. Great outfit! Your flash work is great, pointers, PLEASE!

bebedoc said...

At least she stays in the picture! I think that's an accomplishment in itself. My 2 year old won't look at me with a camera, let alone stand still. The last one is great! :)

Anonymous said...

CS3 isn't that bad. That's why I keep bugging you. You'll have it down in no time and you'll wish you had listened to me.
lovely pics. Is her outfit from Tarjay by any chance?

Terri Young said...

It IS from Tarjay. One of my fav places to go shopping :)

dalia said...

these are adorable!! the last one is so cute! I usually promise rewards of chocolate for good pictures. and then I chimp and say no...not yet...not a good one I just got Rachel a new outfit at Tar-Jay...not for valentines just clearance special...cant wait to take some pics!

Anonymous said...

I was looking at that little dress or the skirt. I think I'm leaning towards the skirt. you should check out the dollar bins. My Target had the cutest heart lollipops. Bet you'd get some good pics with one of those around.

Anonymous said...

Haha, welcome to the club! Wait til she figures out she can run AND hide! AND make faces!
She's adorable, though.

Yes, Target has big heart shaped lollipos, ans last year Michaels had small little ones in different colors (red, pink, purple) that were really cute. I bet they have them again this year. Check my flickr on p.7, there is a pic of Sara holding one.

Anonymous said...

The first one is so funny with your commentary! That is EXACTLY what she was saying! You got to come up with some good bribes for missy.

Stephanie Gallipeau said...

Somehow I missed this post! How cute! Aren't 2 yr olds grand! =) Ya know, it would probably work really well as a storyboard type of deal - the pics are really sweet!